Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 23rd, 2010

Eternal Sonata (PS3): Some nice progress. Not sure if it'll happen all game, but the PC switched to Reto for a time, so I did a quick run through the sewers (what RPG doesn't like utilizing them as dungeons?!), then it switched back to Polka. Not quite sure where the story is going exactly, but the battle system is a lot of fun, actiony, but turn based.

Shenmue (Dreamcast): I'm up to Dobuita. Did the usual quick romp through the first couple areas to open up the main place, and oh, it feels increasingly good to be playing Shenmue again. I even briefly did the levitating trick, just for the heck of it - with I many times as I've played Shenmue, I actually haven't done a whole ton with glitches and codes yet. Eventually I'd like to make a pretty nice Shenmue tribute site, so I suppose I better get back into the groove!

World of Warcraft (PC): Not a whole did. Hit up the first few Brunnhildar quests with Tarina, and we did our second day of Argent Tournament dailies just to get that whole thing started (takes three days of dailies). I dislike how WoW forces you to do some bad things to advance sometimes, but I try and not think too far into it sometimes (obviously, some things do just cross the line into unacceptable, but I also try and use my best judgment, don't wanna become some serious and stodgy that I can't game!).

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